Sugar Enemy: Sugar Daddies #10 Page 7
A commotion near the edge of the barn had all eyes turned that way. From Law’s vantage point, he couldn’t see what had everyone’s attention. Their drunken smiles brightened. Several people laughed. Law found himself leaning forward, trying to catch a glimpse. Finally, the tallest man Law had ever seen stepped into view. From head to foot, he was covered in clown gear. No detail had been overlooked. Bright red, curly wig. Giant shoes. An outfit so bright it reflected the moonlight, making the guy look like he wore neon, glow-in-the-dark coveralls. He even had the big red nose and white stars painted around his eyes. He carried dozens of balloons. So many, Law expected the dude to get carried away like they did in the cartoons. All Law could do was stare, bemused, as he joined the partygoers.
“I’m here for Lawson Yates.”
Every head turned his way. Horror overcame Law as David’s already bright smile turned evil and he pointed at Law. “He’s right there.”
The clown turned and zeroed in on Law. His long stride and even longer shoes ate up the distance between them until he hovered over Law. Law stood. He didn’t like being intimidated by anyone, especially a clown.
“Lawson Yates?” His disgruntled tone had Law biting back a nervous laugh.
“I’m Binky, the singing clown. These are for you,” he said, handing the dozens of balloons to Law. “Somebody is a fool over you,” Binky said, honking a horn in his pocket. That was all the warning Law got before Binky belted out a loud song. Law jumped as the squeaky voice boomed through the air. All he could do was watch in mesmerized horror as he danced while singing off key. He prayed for it to stop. All eyes were on him. People were moving closer and pulling out their phones to capture video proof of his humiliation. For real, he’d never live this down. Before the song ended, a woman appeared. She was dressed like a blond buxom beauty from the fifties. David pointed at Law again. Heat burned Law’s cheeks. He had no idea what was happening to his life. The woman handed him what had to be three dozen roses. He was too mortified to count. She calmly waited until the clown finished his dance. After he received a round of thunderous applause, the woman took over. Before he could react, she leapt forward and kissed his cheek. “Coy says he loves you, but he’ll make a scene all night if you don’t man up.”
Just the mention of Coy’s name had Law smiling. Even when the woman began singing with drunken catcalls in the background, all Law could do was shake his head and smile. Coy had done this? This was the most ridiculous thing he’d ever witnessed. There were already three more impersonators lined up to take their turn. It was like they’d carpooled. All Law had to do was take a step back and close the door. He could shut himself away inside the barn and be done with this sideshow. Law couldn’t move because Coy had done this.
Rick sidled closer. “Damn, man. You must have shown someone a real good time. I ain’t never seen nothing like this.”
Law was without words.
The next performer took over. “Coy says there’s only one way to make this stop.”
From the corner of his eye, Law saw Rick’s head whip around. “Dude. All this is from Coy? Are you joking? I never would’ve guessed. I mean, I thought… well, you know, that you were straight or whatever. Not that it matters. Plus, you don’t even like Coy. Why would he think that you do?”
Suddenly, everything made sense. This wasn’t about embarrassing Law. Coy was the one who looked like a fool in the equation. He looked like a desperate stalker, and it was a purposeful act. Law’s throat swelled. He dropped his chin and stared at his feet. His eyes burned. Honest to god, he’d never met anyone like Coy. Someone willing to embarrass themselves to prove they couldn’t be budged. Coy deserved better. Unless Law did something drastic, everyone would think Coy was crazy and pathetic. Law passed the balloons and roses to Rick and pulled out his phone. He ran for the nearby picnic table and climbed on top, calling Coy on FaceTime as he went. The moment Coy’s image appeared on the phone, Law turned his back to the chaos, where Coy could see the carnage he’d caused. The sight of Coy’s gorgeous smile and the hair he loved running his fingers through made Law almost forget his reason for calling.
Law yelled so everyone could hear, “Everyone else is here. Where are you?”
A sexy chuckle came through the line, making Law’s smile grow. “You know why. Are you having fun?”
“Not as much as I would be if you were here. Everyone misses you, especially me.” Law looked behind and yelled over the mayhem, “Doesn’t everyone miss Coy?”
At a minimum, David and Tyrone yelled back their agreement.
“See?” Law said. As he stared at Coy, Law knew he was making the right choice. If there was ever anyone worth a risk, it was Coy. Law looked behind him for support again. “Tell the man I love to get his ass here before I think of a way to get even for this surprise of his.”
“Get here,” David yelled, making Law proud.
When he looked back at the phone, Coy held his phone close to where he had his chin resting on his arm. With his bottom lip between his teeth, Coy looked like he was trying not to smile. Coy cleared his throat. When he spoke, he sounded like it hurt to speak. “I love you.”
Law leapt down the opposite side of the table and moved away from the noise. “I love you too. Why aren’t you headed for that car Jonah is loaning you?”
“I wasn’t sure if you were serious.”
“I wouldn’t ask if I didn’t want you. Seriously, Coy. Come see me.”
“Okay.” Coy still didn’t sound convinced. “I’ll be there soon.”
The weight was back on Law’s chest. He’d never been this scared of anything. “I’ll be waiting.” Law disconnected the call. He glanced behind him. Rick still held the balloons and flowers. Now he also wore a crown and danced along with some woman playing a guitar. It seemed he’d not only taken Law’s place, but Rick enjoyed the position. Law stole the opportunity to duck beneath the fence and cut through the field to the house, escaping without notice. He needed to catch Coy before he went to the stables. It was well past time they talked.
* * *
Coy’s stomach shook with nervousness. The drive to Law’s felt like a trip to judgment day. Tonight would make or break them. Coy recognized he’d only get this one chance. As soon as the front porch came into view, Coy spotted Law waiting. The shaking stopped. Everything went still. Law always had that effect on him. Rather than pulling around the house and into the garage, Coy turned into the driveway and parked by the front stairs. Law was immediately at his door, opening it.
Law helped him from the car like he couldn’t do it himself. “Hey.” Law looked nervous too. “I figured I’d meet you here, so we can talk before joining the party.”
“Okay.” The shaking was back. It was never good when someone wanted to talk.
After closing the door, Law crowded Coy against the car. “First, I need something else from you.” Law touched his lips to Coy’s. Coy’s hands found Law’s waist. The instant he touched Law, Law shuffled closer. He nibbled Coy’s bottom lip and teased open Coy’s mouth. Love overwhelmed Coy as their tongues met. He felt so much for Law, Coy didn’t know how to contain his emotions. Law held Coy’s face between his hands. His thumbs caressed Coy’s cheeks as he explored Coy’s mouth. For a moment, he lightly sucked Coy’s bottom lip before pulling away. Coy wondered if he would melt into a puddle on the ground.
Law linked fingers with Coy and led him inside. He didn’t slow on the way to his bedroom. After shutting them inside, Law urged Coy to sit on the bed. His silence was beginning to unnerve Coy. The feeling doubled when Law didn’t join him on the bed. Coy tried focusing on other details to busy his mind. Law was so damn sexy. Years of hard labor had hardened his body into perfection. He wore a black and white open flannel over a white t-shirt. Both articles of clothing strained against his muscles. The soft-looking t-shirt clung to his washboard abs. His jeans were a little baggy everywhere but the thighs. Coy’s palms itched to to
uch him. The way Law paced from his oak dresser to the open bathroom door and back again didn’t give Coy much hope Law would let him touch him.
Coy ran his palms across Law’s microfiber comforter, stroking the fabric and trying to soothe his frayed nerves. “Do you plan to talk to me?”
“Just gathering my thoughts,” Law said, as if relentless pacing was how he began every conversation. Finally, Law faced him. His defeated expression didn’t inspire confidence. “All I can think about is how much I’m stealing from you.”
Coy felt his face screw up in confusion. He couldn’t control it. “What are you stealing from me?”
“A normal, healthy life for starts.”
No matter how hard he tried, Coy couldn’t wrap his brain around Law’s thought process. “How do you figure? I mean, I think you should expound so I can follow.”
“I want everything with you, Coy,” Law said—like the words came from his soul. “I love you. For almost a year, we’ve lived under the same roof. Most nights, we’ve shared the same bed. I don’t want you at Jonah’s. You’re supposed to be here, with me, and in my bed. I want everyone to know you’re mine. Whenever you’re ready, I’d love to marry you.” Fuck. Coy had nothing, or too much to say. He hadn’t decided which. Thankfully, Law kept talking, so he didn’t have to figure it out. “But I won’t ever be able to make love to you and that breaks me. I don’t know how to tie you to that life.”
Law’s explanation chafed. Coy fought not to roll his eyes. “You have some odd ideas about sex. There’s more than one way to make love.”
Law swiped his hand through the air, obviously frustrated. “I know that. You don’t understand. How long do you think it’ll be before you’re bored?”
Coy shrugged. “How long does it take for anyone to get bored in any relationship? Maybe seven years like some people claim, or maybe it’s never. That doesn’t mean you give up. I don’t understand why this is any different. Is it because you think I’m not worth it or do you just think that little of me and my ability to stay loyal?”
Law pulled a face that screamed disbelief. “Are you serious? You’re perfect. I’m the problem. This is... ugh. I don’t know how to make you understand.” He made another helpless gesture. His arms fell to his sides. The fight seemed to drain from Law. “I’m scared. It terrifies me that you might only think you can handle this, but when the time comes, you’ll feel different. That you’ll be turned off or think that I’m less of a man.”
Those were all valid feelings for a man in Law’s position. Coy shoved his hands under his thighs so Law wouldn’t see them shake. If Law could be brave and share his darkest fears and secrets, Coy would too. “Do you know why I have nightmares?” Coy didn’t wait for Law to ask. He was too afraid he’d back down if he waited to speak. “It’s because King used to rape me. A lot.” Law’s closed expression almost made Coy stop talking, but he couldn’t. Law needed to understand. “When he’d drained all the fight from me, and it wasn’t fun for him anymore, he started bringing his friends home to join.” Coy’s voice shook. He bit his bottom lip to calm the shaking and cleared his throat before continuing. “There’s nothing that could ever make me think you’re less than a man. I’ve seen half men. You’re nothing like them.” Coy swallowed the bitterness the way he always did. “You’re not the only one who’s terrified.”
“It’s medical,” Law said fast like hot-waxing a cut. He motioned toward the lower half of his body as if Coy didn’t know what he meant. “A severe lower body injury that hinders the flow of blood. I haven’t lost any feeling. I can still come for you. It’s just that I won’t get hard. There are a few surgeries I haven’t tried, but they’re drastic.” Now Law was the one clearing his throat. Coy carefully kept his expression blank. He needed Law to keep talking. This was the time to tell it all. “The woman who gave birth to me was a horrible person. Naturally, she also had terrible taste in men. Every time she’d meet someone new, things would get better—like she wanted them to think we were perfect so he’d keep us. Inevitably, things would go to shit, because the men she chose were usually married. This time, though, her hopes were higher than ever. The guy was rich, single, and by all appearances, a nice person. Things actually looked a little hopeful. Then, his birthday rolled around, and she bought him a set of golf clubs. They were expensive too. I know because I had to eat peanut butter crackers, only one a day, for two weeks to pay for his gift. We were making sacrifices for the future was what she kept reminding me when I’d say I was hungry. Anyhow, she’d put a bright blue bow on the clubs and baked a cake. It was more than she’d ever done for me. Ten minutes before he was supposed to be there, the phone rang. She took the call in her room, and when she came out, there was an odd calm about her. She looked at me and said, ‘I hate you. You always ruin everything.’ I tried running for the door because I knew that tone. Before I made it outside, she grabbed the closest club and hit me across the back of the knees. Once I was down, she didn’t stop. I was already weak from barely eating for two weeks. It was probably the closest she ever came to killing me. There were many times I wished she had, because she ruined my life that day. All because some guy dumped her, and she was still stuck with me.”
Coy swiped at his face. He hated crying, and he knew Law wouldn’t appreciate his tears, but he couldn’t take it. Coy knew what it was like to be defenseless. At least he’d been an adult. Picturing Law as a tiny, half-starved kid, enduring something so horrible at the hands of someone who should’ve always protected him was choking. He wished a woman he’d never met dead in that moment.
Law touched Coy’s chin, forcing him to look at him. “Don’t do that,” Law said, brushing away Coy’s tears. “That means her ugliness touched you. I can’t let that happen.”
“I love you. These are tears of rage.”
Law’s instant smile made the confession worthwhile. He inched closer, crowding Coy’s space until Coy tumbled onto his back. Law straddled Coy’s body. His wicked expression made Coy’s mouth water. “I love you too.” A shiver of delight ran through Coy at the admission. “More than that, I trust you.” Coy’s heart melted. “With everything. I’ve never let anyone else so close.”
Coy didn’t miss his chance to push for more. He cupped Law’s face, drawing him closer. “Then you should make love to me. No shame. I want to see you come unglued.”
Law sat back on his heels and stripped off his flannel and t-shirt. Coy’s heart beat faster. That fear he’d mentioned earlier came calling. He knew Law wouldn’t hurt him. Some cuts scarred deep. As if Law felt his fear, he rolled to the side, freeing Coy.
“I’m at your mercy, as always.”
Fear turned to hunger. Coy rolled onto his knees. As he straddled Law’s body, Law’s expression turned heated. Coy couldn’t lie to himself—he felt out of his element—but all he needed was the way Law looked at him to know he was turned on. The world was at Coy’s fingertips. He didn’t know where to start. Coy stroked Law’s chest before running his hands down Law’s torso. His mouth watered. He needed to taste him. Coy moved slow, dragging out the anticipation before capturing Law’s mouth. He felt Law shudder beneath him. Heard his breath catch. Coy’s cock twitched, trying to climb from his jeans. After only the slightest brushing of tongues, Coy nipped at Law’s bottom lip and moved to nibbling on his neck. Law shifted beneath him as if he fought to stay still. A smothered whimper escaped Law as Coy moved lower and scraped Law’s nipple with his teeth. Coy reached for the button on Law’s jeans. Law tensed.
Coy made a shushing sound against Law’s chest. “Trust me.” He said the words quietly, knowing Law could feel them. Law’s muscles relaxed. Coy popped the button. He slid the zipper down as he shifted lower, kissing Law’s stomach. Another stifled sound came from Law. Coy fought a smile as he licked Law’s abs. With his weight balanced on his knees and his lips pressed to Law’s skin, Coy urged Law to lift his hips so he could peel off the remainder of his clothes. Coy never stopped kissing some part of Law throughout th
e process. He didn’t want Law to think. No doubt Law would needlessly fear the worst. The way Coy’s dick leaked, soaking his underwear, proved Law wrong. It seemed love was the ultimate aphrodisiac. Coy had never wanted anyone more.
Law was semi-erect. As he’d warned, Law wasn’t hard enough for penetration. But as Coy promised, it didn’t matter. The way Law reacted to every touch and his cock dripped pre-cum; those things told the real story. Law wanted Coy. The instant Coy had Law bared, he didn’t waste time. He opened his mouth over Law’s dick and swallowed. Law’s hips left the bed. His fingers found Coy’s hair. A cry filled the air. Coy’s erection begged for attention. He ignored the growing irritation of his clothes and sucked.
“Damn, Coy.”
Coy clawed at the comforter, seeking purchase at the sound of his name on Law’s lips in the perfect tone. All the times he’d fantasized didn’t come close to reality.
Law held Coy’s hair and openly sought his pleasure. Coy felt like he could take over the world. Law made him feel special—like he gave the man something no one else ever had. It was addicting. He didn’t want to stop, but he also needed to feel Law’s body beneath him as they moved together toward release. Even though he knew Law would give him forever, he wanted all the sensations he could get right now. He needed to prove they were beautiful and weren’t missing anything. When Coy pulled away, Law’s chest heaved and his eyes screamed murder. Coy suppressed an evil grin as he stripped.